Sunday, January 14, 2024

Jan 14 Holbrook Arizona

We had a down day today waiting for the tire shop to open tomorrow, so we walked down town and visited the museum and picked up a couple of things at the grocery store. 7.5 kilometers, finally some exercise.

Holbrook has a population of about 5000 and is divided by Highway 40 the main route from Oklahoma to California. The city was built around old route 66, with the old part of the town is on one side of highway 40 and the new part is on the other side. The old historic part is very run down with many old motels the are either closed or badly in need of repairs .  

Main street has more empty buildings than occupied

These buildings are completely empty

homes are generally in very poor condition

This building on the main intersection of old Holbrooke totally unoccupied

The Wigwam Hotel

Part of old route 66,  in this motel you stay in Wigwams.

in front of each wigwam is an antique car. 
about $100 per night. We talked to a guy who was staying there ,
they charged him an extra $25.00 for his dog.
He was really happy with this as he usually pays 50 to 75 dollars a night for his dog

 We went for walk in the afternoon to the Empty Pockets Saloon and got a pint for $3.00

There are 10 Tesla chargers in the Burger King parking lot

The minimum wage in Arizona is 14.25. 

1 comment:

LR said...

I hope you have a new tire by now and are or soon will be on your way again.
You missed a super-duper snow storm over the last two days. It's bright and not snowing right now. Soon going out to shovel the 18" off my deck. I've done the rest of the shoveling.
Very cold in Calgary, Chicago and Vancouver over the weekend!
I haven't signed up 'properly' to receive notices of your postings. I will look at that later.
Safe & happy travels.