Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Jan 8 Yuma Arizona

Our Home for the next few days after driving 2700 miles.or 4300 kilometers.

We arrived on Saturday afternoon to this camping spot  where we caught up with about a dozen of our friends from previous years. 

After a quiet day on Sunday we set out for a hike through the fields of vegetables that are harvested in this area. The Colorado valley spans thousands of acres in both sides of the Colorado river in California  and Arizona. About 80% of the fresh vegetables in both Canada and the USA are supplied from this area in the winter.

They are harvesting brocolli in this picture. The produce is picked and packed right into the boxes that are piled at the front of this wagon. When the wagon is fully loaded the front wheels are removed and a truck haules this trailer back to the distribution center. These boxes are then delivered to the super markets with out any further handling

They pick 12 rows at a time with one person picking each row, they place the trimmed broccoli on a shelf in front of them, and then a crew on the wagon gives them a final check and they are packed into the shipping boxes.

One of the pickers called us over and he gave us 4 fresh heads, brocolli salad for supper.

The workers are a mix of mostly illegal and unducumented citizens. A few are legal citizens. Not sure what will happen if they are all deported or no longer allowed to cross on a daily bases. The bus in the picture brings them to and from the field.

This trailer is waiting to be picked up.


Yesterday when we left to go into town to stock up, we discovered a front tire that was low on air. The tire shop would not repair it as they were to close to the wear limit. We have been putting of buying new tires as I was hoping to get to 100,000 kilometers first, we were only at 95,000 so no big deal. Hopefully we are good now for another 100,000.

Bye for now

1 comment:

LR said...

Interesting to see the broccoli-picking process. I'll be washing my broccoli even more carefully from now on!