Friday, March 10, 2023

March 10 Travelling from Silver City to Truth and Consequences

 The trip is about 80 miles , 50 of which were through the mountains. The highway had a speed limit of 25 miles per hour most of the time with the curves at 15 and 20. There were even some at 10 MPH. We were winding our way along the edge of the mountains so most of the time there was a  drop off of 100's of feet into the canyon below. The trip took us almost 3 hours.

That drop off on the right would be a few hundred feet deep.
We don't have good pictures of the Canyon because Rose wound not
 look over the edge to take them.😒

we were at about 6000 feet 

The continental divide goes from Mexico to Canada and goes through this area. The water from this area flows either west to the Pacific Ocean or east to the Atlantic Ocean from this ridge.


1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

Wow .... driving at that speed would be challenging! It would give you more time to see the scenery to distract you from the nearby drop-off.