Sunday, August 30, 2020

St Jovite to St Gabrielle-de-Brandon

We drove to St Donat and stopped for lunch and  5.3 klm hike . 
This area is perfect recreational space. Rugged , dotted with lakes every where. 

The hiking trail is a cross country ski trail in the winter

Toured around this little town for a bit, not much to do so we moved on. 

We had planned to camp at the town beach in St. Gabriel de brandon but when we arrived they told us that due to the Covid we were not allowed to stay overnight.  The city employee at the beach recommended a place to stay at a retail store in town so we moved there. Good spot. 

As we drove from St Donat the terrain changed to rolling farm land. Big dairy operations and lots of poultry farms

1 comment:

Lera Ryan said...

I thought there might be an interesting story of how Ste. Emelie de l'Energie got its name - maybe there was a fountain of energy in the middle of town! Nothing so interesting; apparently it was named after the wife of the first settler.
I know there are many dairy farms in PQ. I didn't think of them being in the area where you are.