Sunday, March 3, 2019

March 3 Prescott to Sedona with a stop in Jerome

I forgot the camera for Jerome , but it is such a cool place to visit. Population 480 , but 2 streets of shops and restaurants. The town is carved out of the side of a mountain.

Spectacular ride from Prescott to Jerome . The road winds its way up the mountain and then back down the other side.  Drop of in some places of maybe 300 feet with in 6 feet of the side of the road. Most paces had a guard rail,unlike from Kingsman to Oatman where there was no guard rail.

No pictures because Rose couldn't look out in fear.

1 comment:

K McC said...

I know what you mean Rose. We did the trip from Jerome to Prescott (almost) in November. I opted to return another way!