Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Mar 14 Arrived home

After 13,441 klm and 69 days we are back home. Probably our best holiday to date. A little slower pace, best weather we have ever had on a trip, even though the locals complained about the cold all of the time we were there.

We will need another year to complete the wish list , no Grand Canyon or Flagstaff, as it was snowed in and too cold when we were sheduled to go.

I guess we better get working on it, its only 9 months until d-day.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

March 10 Drove from Collinville Misouri to Middlebury Indiana

We drove to Elkhart , the RV capital of the world. There are 3 main manufacturers of RV's, Thor, which includes Jayco and Entegra:    Forest River, owned by Berkshire and Winnebago.

Both Thor and Forest River are here. Planning a visit to the Jayco plant tomorrow.
Went for supper in this place. An Amish , Mennonite restaurant. Food was basic but delicious.

one of  these buggys was in the restaurant, it was ours for the evening

the end of a good holiday

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 6 hiked to the ruins

We hiked 5 miles each way to visit these ruins. (17 KLM) . Beautiful day , bit over cast and low 20 s . This was the site of the Palatki settlement of Indians around 1100 to 1200. They built what is called cliff dwellings, in the mountains under an overhanging cliff

There houses were built of flat stones to enclose an area against a cliff. Multiple families, ranging from 60 to 100 would live in each dwelling.

This  pond is the result of water dripping out of the mountain. The walls are covered with original paintings and etching 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March 5 Hiked the Boynton Canyon Trail

as we got nearer to the top there was still snow left over from the winter

Sunday, March 3, 2019

March 3 Prescott to Sedona with a stop in Jerome

I forgot the camera for Jerome , but it is such a cool place to visit. Population 480 , but 2 streets of shops and restaurants. The town is carved out of the side of a mountain.

Spectacular ride from Prescott to Jerome . The road winds its way up the mountain and then back down the other side.  Drop of in some places of maybe 300 feet with in 6 feet of the side of the road. Most paces had a guard rail,unlike from Kingsman to Oatman where there was no guard rail.

No pictures because Rose couldn't look out in fear.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

March 2 drove from Seligman to Prescott

While Seligman was a tourist trap. Prescott is a vibrant community with a 3 block down town that is very interesting.   Route 66, lots of antiquing, plus interesting shops of current merchandise. We stayed at the Walmart that was 3 miles from downtown , so we walked to the downdown and back .
Bummed around had lunch and came home. A grreat way tospend a day.

This sign was outside the washrooms where we had lunch. Rose insisted that I take the picture.
Not sure what the point was, I already knew that

Friday, March 1, 2019

March 1 Seligman Route 66

Seligman is another town on Route 66 that was destroyed by building I-40

Just a fun tourist trap with all of the old 60's memorabilia.   A cool place to spend some time when you have time to kill

Feb 28 Visited Hoover Dam

When we traveled in Southern Arizona it blew me away how they were using all the water from the Colorado river to grow vegetables and feed cattle in a desert. They also pipe water to Los Angeles and San Diego. Their only source.  I still have some reservations but I certainly have a new respect for the concept.  
The Colorado river before the dam system would flood the basin ,and the next year there would be no water and every thing would dry up. The Hoover dam was built , along with a whole series of other dams to control, the flow so in dry years they could let water out to keep the land fertile and in wet years to hold the water back to prevent floods. The electricity produced was a bi product not the reason it was built. There are varying stats but the Colorado valley produces around 75% of the fresh vegetables for North America. ( Especially in the cold months)
The water level has dropped 150 feet , since 1983.  If this river drys up, no Los Angeles, no San Diego. and no vegetables. This area only gets 3 to 5 inches of rain a year.
This is not a discussion  of wither the problem is man made or a natural climate cycle , it is a case of humans building a system that has no regard for the future.
Scary thought. Blow up the 2 pipes  yes 2 pipes and canal systems and Los Angeles and San Diego are with out water

The messsage on this boad is that water levels have been decreasing since 1983. Theyare down 150 feet.

This is the view above the dam. The white line above the water is the original water level. 150 feet above the present water level

The dam is 726 feet deep.   

the view below the dam

This is the row of turbines that are creating the electricity

One of the turbines being repaired

Feb 27 Drove to Boulder

Camping at the Government Wash  , a BLM.

Looking out over the North shore of Lake Mead
We have seen every possible type of RV , old 60's all refitted, old 1960's falling apart, school buses or city buses converted all the way up to million dollar Class A's. This was the first time we say a Tiny Home . It was all decked out. Even air conditioning. This most likely was not a traveler but a local person moving from BLM to BLM living rent free.
When Rose went out to do her 15000 daily steps , which she has achieved every day , she countered these 2 coyotes. It looked like some one had left out some food beside a campfire from the previous evening. 