Thursday, August 19, 2021

K&P trail Aug 18

 We biked from Renfrew along the K&P trail to were we stopped on Tuesday.  This part was 13k each way. We can now say we  biked from Renfrew to Calabogie and back over a 2 day period. 
 We missed a good picture of a racoon and her 4 babies crossing the road in front of us, by the time I got stopped and the camera out, they were gone from site.
We also met an Amish family with their horse and enclosed buggy, on their way to shop in Renfrew.

Levi in his favorite spot , playing a game.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Griffith Uplands Trail Aug 18

Griffith Upland Trail

As described on their webste

The Griffith Uplands Trail is a physically challenging 10 km hiking/snowshoeing loop encompassing four mountains in the Madawaska Highlands - Lake, Buck, Spring and Godin. This rewarding wilderness route traverses a rugged Area of Natural and Scientific Interest composed of marble bedrock with open upland forests of large tooth aspen, red oak, white pine and remnant red pine. This undulating backcountry trail features lichen covered stone barrens, glacial erratics and expansive bald rock ridges ripe with blueberries and breathtaking views of the Madawaska River Valley below. Hiking time: 4 ½ hrs.

Well described but very challenging. Lots of elevation

This hike would be even more awesome with fall colors

Levi taking a break

High up on the mountain we came across this tree with many items hanging from it. Suncatchers, feathers, odd pieces of cloth etc, and there were bones of what appeared to be parts of a jaw and maybe leg bones places around the base of the tree.   This I think was a native spot to pray or meditate.

Time out , to admire and appreciate the  surroundings

This was our camp site for the evening.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

K & P Trail Aug 18

 K & P Trail

The K&P trail is a bicycle , walking and ATV trail on the old rail bed  that ran from Kingston to Pembroke. It is perfect for cycling as it is almost perfectly flat. I believe that the steepest grade is only 6%.   We biked from Calabogie to Pucker Road, about half way to Renfrew and then returned. It was 10k each way, not to bad for a first day
The sceneries was mostly bush , farm land and a few ponds and marshes.

Break time

Monday, August 16, 2021

Calabogie Race track and Eagles Nest Aug 16

 Calabogie Motorsport Park

Levi and I are on our annual adventure. First stop was the Calabogie Motorsport Park. This track was built for people who have high powered bikes and cars. They can come here and race them or practice . Not sure if they have competitive racing or not.

The track is 5.05 klm long, the longest in Canada, consisting of 20 turns, measuring 40 feet wide, and a 2000 foot straight away.

This is the view from the viewing platform of motorcycles racing on the straight away.

The back stretch

The staging and parking area

Eagles Nest
The Eagles Nest Hike on Calabogie mountain is to a look out over a valley. There are two routes to the top. One is a walking path  that would be rated difficult but not extreme, the other is a wider easier hike on a mountain bike path ,that is wide enough for ATVs. We went up the difficult and most interesting path and returned by the easy one.

There are many kilometers of trails on this mountain. The longest is about 4 hours one way.

There are 2 places along the hike where people have created a scene like this one. 

Levi standing out on the famous lookout

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Riviere Du Loup Aug 10

 Drove to Riviere Du Loup, Trois Riviere  tomorrow and Home on Thursday. That's the plan

Fundy Trail and St Martins Aug Aug 9

Fundy Trail runs from near St Martins for about 25Klm
It is a spectacular winding road that follows the coastline with many lookout spots where you can take pictures, have lunch at the picnic tables or hike.

St Martins is a small fishing village , but the attraction is the caves. When the tide is down you can walk near, or in front  of them . but when the tide comes in the caves fill with water.

St Martins NB

After the tide had come back in Kayakers came along for a visit

Having fish and chips with seafood chowder for lunch while the tide was coming in

The far side of the bay with a light house on the point
When the tide goes out the bay empties, and the boats are stranded

Fishing boats sitting in the sand

Lobster traps waiting to be loaded on to the boat. No more wooden lobster traps

The beach in St Martins

The restaurant on the beach near the caves. During the day people gather here to watch the tide coming and going.

St John NB

From St Martins we drove to the Irving Nature Center in St. John NB. 10 minutes from down town. A very busy place with a nice beach and lots of walking trails. The parking lot emptied near dusk , and started again at 6:30 am. We camped overlooking the water. A little piece of heaven. About half a dozen campers spent the night here.
After 8 o'clock  there were no vehicles between us and the water.
Can't get much better than this


The queen at sunset

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Alma and Fundy National Park Aug 8

 We started the day with a visit to Alma. A neat little tourist, and fishing town.

Typical tourist town with all of the souvenir shops , but the bakery had the best sticky buns I've ever eaten

I liked the name of this restaurant

Typical fishing boat

After we left Alma we hiked in Fundy National Park. You could spend a week here easily hiking and touring around the park.

We did a hike along the coast that was rated difficult. 1.7 kilometers each way and it took just over an hour each way. Good work out!

as usual it was a bit hazy from fog, but still beautiful

8 Kayakers teams were out getting a lesson.