Fundy Trail runs from near St Martins for about 25Klm
It is a spectacular winding road that follows the coastline with many lookout spots where you can take pictures, have lunch at the picnic tables or hike.
St Martins is a small fishing village , but the attraction is the caves. When the tide is down you can walk near, or in front of them . but when the tide comes in the caves fill with water.
St Martins NB
After the tide had come back in Kayakers came along for a visit |
Having fish and chips with seafood chowder for lunch while the tide was coming in |
The far side of the bay with a light house on the point |
When the tide goes out the bay empties, and the boats are stranded |
Fishing boats sitting in the sand |
Lobster traps waiting to be loaded on to the boat. No more wooden lobster traps |
The beach in St Martins
The restaurant on the beach near the caves. During the day people gather here to watch the tide coming and going. |
St John NB
From St Martins we drove to the Irving Nature Center in St. John NB. 10 minutes from down town. A very busy place with a nice beach and lots of walking trails. The parking lot emptied near dusk , and started again at 6:30 am. We camped overlooking the water. A little piece of heaven. About half a dozen campers spent the night here.
After 8 o'clock there were no vehicles between us and the water. Can't get much better than this |
The queen at sunset |